A small post for the examiner
Hello, this is just a quick post to say thank you for looking through my work and I'm sorry the evaluations aren't in order. I hope you enjoy the development of our idea and the final piece, we've worked hard to impress as much as possible. Its been a joy to do this course.
Eval 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
This powerpoint should explain all of the social groups we managed to define and represent in our final piece.
Eval 2.
View more presentations from guest7ad22dc.
Eval 7. Looking back at your preliminary task and talking on progression to final
For this we strung together our prelim and final movie and generally talked about the progression from the prelim to making the final piece. This was almost too general though as it wasn't planned and slightly rushed but we did answer the question and managed to give our opinions on the final piece which we haven't done yet. Please also note that the recording of our voices was quite quite so to hear at some parts the volume have have to be turned up.
Eval 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
We have learnt about technologies by using a range of programmes and equipment when making our film.
When filming our preliminary task we used a camera and tripod borrowed from school. These were fairly simple to use. When we filmed our final piece we borrowed a camera from a friend and this was much easier to use and gave us better quality results. The only minor issue was the focus in very low light but this was probably unavoidable.
When we were trying out methods for our stop motion we used both digital and video cameras from school.
We made our ident using photoshop and then edited it on imovie.
The editing for the preliminary task, the stop motion, and the other camera tests was all done on imovie on the macs at school. This was reletavly easy to use but didnt have a massive range of features or editing tools. The editing for the final film was done on tims macbook which had the latest version of imovie. This was alot better than the version avaliable at school and this helped us produce the best film we could.
We uploaded our videos onto Youtube to put them on the blog.
We used Slideshare to upload powerpoints onto the blog.
We used Scribd to upload any word documents.
We found our music on Freeplay Music .
We used Myfonts to find the fonts for our ident.
We used Google to search for images and websites.
When filming our preliminary task we used a camera and tripod borrowed from school. These were fairly simple to use. When we filmed our final piece we borrowed a camera from a friend and this was much easier to use and gave us better quality results. The only minor issue was the focus in very low light but this was probably unavoidable.
When we were trying out methods for our stop motion we used both digital and video cameras from school.
We made our ident using photoshop and then edited it on imovie.
The editing for the preliminary task, the stop motion, and the other camera tests was all done on imovie on the macs at school. This was reletavly easy to use but didnt have a massive range of features or editing tools. The editing for the final film was done on tims macbook which had the latest version of imovie. This was alot better than the version avaliable at school and this helped us produce the best film we could.
We uploaded our videos onto Youtube to put them on the blog.
We used Slideshare to upload powerpoints onto the blog.
We used Scribd to upload any word documents.
We found our music on Freeplay Music .
We used Myfonts to find the fonts for our ident.
We used Google to search for images and websites.
Eval 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
For this question we conducted our answer in a director's interview situation similar to those that the press will conduct to try and grab more behind the scenes information on the new film release. This meant our answers were almost acted in a way but because we used a scripted answer we had thought through what we wanted to say.
Eval 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
For this answer we made full use of the new imovie features and applications by recording our answer and illustrating it with a scripted version of what we said. We even exported the video in HD to show how we made the most of the resources we had.
Eval 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
When finding a proper target audience for our project idea we looked into the big markets that are the most popular with the action genre by going directly to the websites of recent realistic action films and found that they aim their story-lines and best selling stuff to young adults. for instance Working Title.
This is because the most interest into the film business comes from them, and also the passion for a gripping film. We also determined this by going to films with similar genres and stories and generally taking into account the ages of people watching. With this first hand evidence in mind we went further and said our target audience was males of 25 to 35.
Before we filmed we thought our main target would be a well educated, well read enthusiast of spy books and films but realising this market was actually quite small we adapted our film after the draft to appeal to a much larger audience of general film enthusiasts that enjoy action the most. This is best illustrated by the picture above of a young adult called Elliott who loves film and values the directors behind them.
Also mentioned in our target audience entry was how the target would be extremely interested in the film industry and his/her own creations, in fact after changing our audience we still kept this aspect because of the increase in creativity in recent years. So to appeal to this aspect we filmed with new techniques and made sure that all shots kept with continuity and tried new things to impress them the most.
This is because the most interest into the film business comes from them, and also the passion for a gripping film. We also determined this by going to films with similar genres and stories and generally taking into account the ages of people watching. With this first hand evidence in mind we went further and said our target audience was males of 25 to 35.
Before we filmed we thought our main target would be a well educated, well read enthusiast of spy books and films but realising this market was actually quite small we adapted our film after the draft to appeal to a much larger audience of general film enthusiasts that enjoy action the most. This is best illustrated by the picture above of a young adult called Elliott who loves film and values the directors behind them.
Also mentioned in our target audience entry was how the target would be extremely interested in the film industry and his/her own creations, in fact after changing our audience we still kept this aspect because of the increase in creativity in recent years. So to appeal to this aspect we filmed with new techniques and made sure that all shots kept with continuity and tried new things to impress them the most.