Opening sequence analysis - Bourne Supremacy

Note: For this film I couldn't find the opening sequence on Youtube so I hope my avid descriptions are good enough.

Similar to James Bond films is the series of Jason Bourne films originating from author... who wrote the extended trilogy in book for first. These films don't however have the class and sophistication of Ian Fleming and instead go for an even more realistic edge of uncover spy's and assassins which plot revenge and carnage whilst staying agile and hidden.

For analysis I have chosen the second film which uses one very key technique to hook the audience which is a running theme in all of the films: mystery. Obviously if enough mystery is created our nature is to discover all that we can to solve the unknown, this is also done by using one very big flashback which becomes faster and more potent as it carries on. The scene starts with these unfamiliar images which are all very blury but this is due to the flashback being a dream, but still the unusual images are very effective in showing the audience snippets of information but not enough to quench their taste buds.
another effective area is in the fast paced editing of the flashback, as if the unusual nature of it wasn't enough the shots are small bursts of energy and get quicker each time until the scene wraps up in a final climax of music and sound... (not finished)

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